Discover a fresh clinical approach for patients suffering from Type 2 Diabetes

Are You Suffering From Type 2 Diabetes?


More than 20 million Americans have Type 2 Diabetes, and the consequences can be dire. Heart disease. High blood pressure. Kidney problems. Limb amputations. Even medications themselves can make you sick. Don’t settle for a life of poor health. Many of our patients have been able to reduce and eliminate the need for prescription medication and insulin, lose weight without exercise, increase energy levels and quality of life, reduce and eliminate the risks for diabetic complications and an early death.


Discover a fresh clinical approach for patients suffering from Type 2 Diabetes. You may be able to overcome your condition and start living the happy, healthy life of your dreams! What if you could Turn Around your Type 2 Diabetes? What if mainstream healthcare was not the safest and best approach? Expensive and side-effect-laden prescription drugs and insulin injections may not be the best treatments for treating Type 2 Diabetes long term.


In fact many if not all of the diabetic medications carry the risk of serious side effects…some causing weight gain and ultimately perpetuating the disease long term. In the end a drug for every disease or symptom is commonly only masking the problem and not treating root causes. In addition, having high levels of insulin floating around in your body can be very dangerous to your health! You see more than likely it’s not that your body is lacking the hormone insulin.  The problem for the majority of Type 2 Diabetics is that insulin resistance has set in … this basically means that your body has lost the ability to utilize insulin appropriately.


What sense then does it make to continue to bombard your body with something it no longer recognizes and can no longer process? Especially when that substance (insulin) may be harmful to your health and more than likely will cause your disease to progress. Did you know that insulin at high levels can shorten your life expectancy, can cause you to gain weight at an alarming rate, can cause more insulin resistance therefore perpetuating your diabetes, can cause your blood pressure to increase, can cause cardio-vascular disease and can increase your risk of developing cancer? Well, it can do all of the above. Diabetes is a nasty disease that ruins the lives of millions of people. You can lose a leg … you can lose an arm … you can lose your “zeal” for life … and in serious cases you can even lose your life.

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But help is available. Our clinical approach to supporting type 2 diabetics is totally different – AND OFTEN MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE. You see, where most health care providers test for blood sugar levels and A1C levels and not much else, We have designed an integrative testing approach that goes into much more depth. We then use your detailed findings to tailor and customize a plan for each patient based on his or her own underlying causative factors.



  • Imagine how life would be if you no longer had to worry about your blood sugar…
  • Imagine how life would be if you no longer needed the drugs…
  • Imagine how life would be if you no longer had to inject yourself with insulin…
  • Imagine if you had the energy to exercise and lose the diabetic weight…
  • Imagine what life would be like without having to get up constantly throughout the night to use the restroom…
  • Imagine what life would be like without living in constant fear of the devastating effects of this disease…
  • Imagine that once and for all you finally understood why you had diabetes instead of just being told it was genetic and the best you can do is to choke down the drugs and inject yourself with insulin…


Now stop imagining and take the first step toward possibly turning all the above into reality by scheduling a free Diabetes assessment at our office!


Contact our office today to see if you qualify for a FREE consultation.


Call (626) 387-0659 today.


Or if you would like more information you can request our FREE Report, click here DIABETES REPORT

To Participate in One of Our Programs You Must First Qualify.

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Dr Forrest Hannan DC
2028 E Route 66 Suite 202
Glendora, CA 91740


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